Japanese adult film actress wins Korean Cultural Entertainment Awards and outrage explodes

Recently, Korean netizens have been exploding with outrage on social media, condemning the organizers of the Korean Cultural Entertainment Awards which took place this November 30 in Seoul, and among the large number of public figures, influencers and celebrities who were invited, it was an unexpected nominee who won one of the awards.

The 31st edition of the Korean Cultural Entertainment Awards has caused a large number of South Korean users and Internet users to explode with helplessness when they see that the Japanese adult film actress Yuna Ogurahad been recognized in the category EMN Entertainmentwhere he even wrote the following words in gratitude: «I will continue to work harder for all of you and teach you many good things. Thank you«.

This only caused strong indignation in the Korean population, since according to them, the AV actress was not even Korean, “Who is this woman? I had never seen her,” “Is this serious?” “What has she done for Korea? She is a porn actress! And she is Japanese!” “I can’t believe it, at least give it to a South Korean porn actress.” These were some of the comments that demonstrated the nonconformity of Internet users.

The event organizers have been criticized through the networks and forums of the Asian country, and as its name says, the award was mainly about Korean cultural entertainment, so if we think about it, the decision is a little out of place, what do you think? About all that? Do you think the indignation of the people of Korea is totally justified? Tell us in the comments.

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