King Charles III had not been authorized to attend Easter mass

He king Charles III from the United Kingdom appeared publicly on Sunday for the first time since the announcement of his cancer. She did it at Easter Sunday mass, but now it is reported that at monarch He had not been authorized to attend the event, as his doctors believed it was not feasible for him to appear.

A new report from the european press has assured that King Charles He was not allowed to attend Easter massas had originally been believed.

As has been stated, the doctors did not authorize the king to attend mass. However, it was the monarch who insisted on making an appearance, but it is believed that he will not appear publicly again for several months.

“The monarch kept asking the doctors when that first moment of appearing could be. Just because he appeared today does not mean that he will return to public events. It is an exceptional day on a big day for them like Easter, but he did not have it authorized“.

He king Charles III He is currently receiving treatment for cancer. He Buckingham Palace He has not issued any further details about his current state of health, so the public has no firm knowledge of how he might be progressing in the fight against his illness.

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