King Felipe VI would also be cheating on Queen Letizia with a multimillionaire

He King Philip VI of Spain and his wife, the queen Letizia, have been at the center of media attention in their country in the last two months. This is partly thanks to the controversial accusations made by Jaime del Burgo, where he claimed to have had an affair with the monarch. But now, a famous Iberian portal also claims that the Head of State is having dates with a billionaire.

According to what was reported by ‘El Nacional de Catalunya’, King Felipe VI would also be having an alternate affair with another women. Apparently, the Spanish monarch has recently been dating his friends, who introduced him to a multimillionaire woman from Madrid.

He cited medium has been giving some details about the alleged nights out that the monarch has had since the alleged scandal came to light. infidelity by Letizia.

“His friends have introduced him to several women, including a rich heiress from Madrid. This new friendship has become close company, spending time together until the wee hours of the morning, laughing and enjoying each other’s company, which lends itself to other things“, they stated.

In this way, ‘El Nacional de Catalunya’ has hinted that the king Philip VI He would also be committing infidelities towards the queen Letiziawho has been greatly affected by the harsh accusations made against her by her former brother-in-law, turning the situation into a scandal with worldwide repercussions.

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