Lawyer claims Lizzo is trying to play the victim

Currently, many know the controversial issue that is stalking the American singer. Melissa Viviane Jefferson, Lizzowho for some time was accused in a case of sexual abuse towards her dancers and workers, a case that has not yet reached a conclusion.

The singer was so overwhelmed by this issue that a few days ago the American artist decided to publish a statement on social networks in which she he said goodbye to all his fans and he made it clear that he would leave music because of his whole situation and how bad it has been.

The singer’s statement has provoked the reaction of a lawyer who gave his opinion on what is happening, adding that Lizzo only wants draw attention and at the same time playing the victim so that everyone ignores the acts committed towards his dancers, something that will be very difficult to achieve, since this controversy has been like a giant snowball that has become bigger and bigger.

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