New teaser video for ‘Intensely 2’ takes fans on an emotional journey

As had already been announced in the past, on June 14, 2024, ‘Inside Out 2‘ will be officially released in all cinemas around the world, but a new and recent teaser for the long-awaited film has taken fans on an emotional journey, showing what is to come in this next installment. As expected, Riley is growing up, which means she is going through the stage of adolescence, so her perspective on life is changing as she gets older, and this brings new emotions to her life depending on what she sees. is experimenting.

The new teaser video anticipates that there will be changes at the base, since a new emotion has just arrived in the life of our young protagonist, her name is Anxietya fun character who seems to be the one who steals the cameras in this second installment of ‘Inside Out 2‘, and his unusual arrival caused a lot of fun for viewers who saw this teaser.

This new emotion has a disordered appearance and arrives just at the most inopportune moment, without prior warning, which alarms the rest of the emotions that run through the base because they did not understand what was happening at that moment, since only they were dealing with the feelings of Riley.

Furthermore, the director of ‘Inside Out 2‘ stated: “Anxiety, she may be new to the team, but she’s not the kind of person who doesn’t stay in the background.” This ensures that this new emotion came to do his thing and shake everything inside the protagonist’s head, and although at first she may seem like a fun and harmless character, she will have an important message to carry, since it is something that people have to deal with every day.

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