Prince Harry could be spending his “sleepless nights” due to his upcoming visit to the United Kingdom

He prince harry does not stop filling the headlines of the British press, and now, several English media have been talking about the upcoming visit of the youngest son of king charles to London soil, where they return to the million-dollar question, will he meet his brother this time, the prince william?, something that at this point is not possible to answer with certainty.

However, regarding the trip that Harry will have to make to London due to the 10th anniversary of the Invictus Games on May 8, there has been speculation, and now, the royal expert Tom Quinnhe commented to the newspaper Mirrorwhich is very possible that Meghan Markle’s husband is spending his “nights up”since it is very “terrified“.

It’s no secret that Harry doesn’t really like the idea of ​​traveling to England, something understandable after the great controversies what he caused to the royal family with his revelations in his book ‘Spare‘, let’s say he has earned a bit of contempt from the English people, but this time, the feeling might be a bit more intense, as things are not very “peaceful” within the English monarchy.

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