Prince Harry spent a very lonely Christmas in the United States with Meghan Markle

Previously, it had been reported about the feeling of loneliness that the prince harry had begun to experiment due to the long years he had been away from his main family nucleus, and although he was with Meghan Markle and his children in California, USAthis Christmas has been no different, at least according to what one expert about royalty believes.

The real expert Kinsey Scholfield said in an interview for GB News that the youngest son of king Charles IIIis experiencing a fairly strong feeling of loneliness, and it is not surprising if this were the case, since the Duke of Sussex has been away from the people with whom he grew up and shared most of his life for several years.

«I think Harry he misses his family a lotI think it’s all too likely that you feel very alone… and miss those chaotic, but fun Christmases with the royal family«commented the expert, but also added that Meghan Markle, for her part, only sees everything from a financial point of view, «Meghan has no desire to return to United Kingdom and less to fix things, for her I think everything is about finances«.

On the other hand, more positive royal fans really hope that Prince Harry makes the right decisions and reconciles with the people again. Windsorespecially with his older brother, so that his children can finally join the monarchy properly, but this is something that only time will tell.

What do you think of all this? Do you think a quick and complete reconciliation between Harry and his brother, Prince William, is possible?

How do you feel about this news?

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