Prince William in rivalry with King Charles III, wants more influence and control over the monarchy

He the prince william of the United Kingdom He prepares hard to become the next king of the nation, meanwhile, he must continue to be the shadow of the king charles III, who took the reign at his advanced age of 74 (he is currently 75), but with all the commitment to leave a mark within the monarchy. However, it seems that his eldest son wants to have more influence.

The American portal ‘Cosmopolitan’ has reported the tense situation that could be experienced in Buckingham, since the Prince of Wales you feel ready and prepared to obtain more influence and control over the British monarchy. Apparently, his role would not be enough and he already wants to take care of other matters of a diplomatic nature.

Citing a source from ‘The Daily Beast’, it is revealed that Buckingham There is some tension brewing between Prince William and his fatherspecifically over how much control the husband has of Kate Middleton in his role as heir to the throne.

«I am more than convinced that they will collide, since Carlos is allergic to anyone telling him what to do, and william It’s not exactly famous for its subtlety. “But I think overall it is seen as a productive rivalry rather than a destructive one, because William respects his father’s ‘rank’ as head of state,” the source states.

The media adds that in reality this tension is already a very common theme within the crown, taking into account that Prince William is taking his royal roles very seriously. An example of this is his lack of intention to reconcile with the the prince Harry.

“The monarchy is a hierarchical structure based on military principles, and when things get bad, you have to obey the orders of your superiors,” noting at the end that the prince william and Kate Middleton “get” that about him king charles III.

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