Shakira faces new tax charges that could put her in jail

The Colombian singer Shakira He has still released us from his legal problems with the tax authorities Spanish, as the famous artist now faces new tax charges for tax evasion. A new lawsuit forces her to pay a millionaire sum, otherwise she could go to prison.

Through a statement by videoconference from Miami, state Joinedbefore a judge in Spainwhich is investigating its second open case for tax crime in the European country, Shakira has denied the accusations made against her.

Despite this, the justice of the Iberian country claims to have strong evidence that confirms its tax crimes committed in the year 2018so he must look for all the ways to show his innocence.

The Spanish prosecutor’s office claims that the ‘Waka Waka’ singer defrauded 5.3 million euros ($5.7 million Dollars) for the income from his 2018 tour “El Dorado World Tour”, and the transfer of intellectual rights and another 773,600 euros ($833,732 dollars) for the 12 million euros ($12.93 million dollars) that it owns in real estate and financial assets in the European country.

As explained by the complaintthe Colombian received part of the transfer of musical rights through a company in Luxembourg with which he signed “simulated contracts” and that “was merely a company incorporated for tax purposes only,” according to what was written in the document.

Yeah Shakira does not agree to pay that millionaire sum or prove his innocence, runs the risk of being asked to go to jailsince this crime is punishable by several years as established by the justice of Spain.

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