The British press already names Prince William as the new king of the United Kingdom

The diagnosis of cancer of the king Charles III has now framed the prince william in the center of attention for the future of crown british. The pressure is so much that now the media in his country is calling him “the new king of the Kingdom United“, provoking all kinds of comments within the followers of the British royal family.

In the midst of all the uncertainty surrounding the future of the english monarchy After the discovery of the cancer suffered by King Charles III, the british media They have taken a step further and are already beginning to name the Prince of Wales as the new king of the nation.

Rust Nikkhaheditor and announcer of the English newspaper ‘Sunday Times’, has spoken about William’s future and already has recognized him as the king of the nation. He has also revealed the name he will take when he is officially crowned King of England. “It will be William V“, he asserted.

For a few weeks now, several experts and other English media were making some comments about the reign of Charles III, ensuring that it was necessary for him to “retire” from the crown because “I would do the monarchy a favor“.

This is how they described it in a ‘GB News’ program, which caused great controversy in the country due to the direct way in which the Head of state to abdicate in favor of the Prince of Wales.

Prince William is one of the most popular royals in the United Kingdom and the rest of the world

The popularity of prince william is the main factor why various experts and journalists believe that it is the perfect opportunity for the royalty british completely recover its image, worn out in recent years as a result of several controversies that have had a direct impact on its reputation, including also that of the king charles III.

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