The sister of King Felipe VI would be involved in the scandal affecting Queen Letizia

Some portals of Spain are revealing that one of the sisters of the king Philip VI would be involved in the infidelity scandal that affects the image of the Queen Letiziait would be the Infanta Elenaa character from the royal family who does not get along with the current monarch.

According to what was reported by ‘El Nacional de Catalunya’, the Infanta Elena could be involved in the entire siege that Queen Letizia is experiencing since the beginning of the month, thanks to the scandalous statements of Jaime del Burgo about her alleged romance while she was already engaged to Felipe VI.

The journalist Pilar Eyre He also believes that the daughter of king emeritus Juan Carlos Yo He could be taking this opportunity to further damage his sister-in-law’s image. Those who know the royalty Spanishthey know very well that Letizia and Elena do not get along despite the fact that they sometimes show the opposite on cameras.

“Letizia is doing penance” is one of the key words with which Eyre describes the situation of the monarch and their attempts to shelter in the middle of the storm. His attendance Elena’s birthday a few days ago would also have been proof of this.

If the moment or the scenery If it had been someone else, Letizia would never have attended that party, but the reality is different and now she is the one who finds herself between a rock and a hard place.

The Infanta Elena and the emeritus king Juan Carlos I could be celebrating this moment, their daughter’s links with del Burgo’s revelations are still uncertain, but various experts firmly believe that the accusations towards the Queen Letizia They could have already been planned for several months.

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