Trailer for ‘The 3 Body Problem’, the new series from the creators of ‘Game of Thrones’

The streaming service Netflix continues to bet big, and for this reason, he released the official trailer of ‘The 3 Body Problem’, its new series made by the creators of the legendary ‘Game of Thrones’, with a gigantic budget that exceeds 300 million Dollars.

‘The 3 Body Problem’ will arrive on Netflix on March 21, it has a overproduction renowned that generates enormous expectations among the public, including Game of Thrones fans.

Netflix promises to break records with ‘The 3 Body Problem’

The premiere of his first advance shows that we will be facing a series that did not skimp on its budget to give the public a truly disturbing story, which is based on the novel of the same title by the Chinese author. Liu Cixin.

The story is set in the China of the 60s, after a young woman must make a terrible decision that will have consequences in space and time.

«When the laws of nature “As we know them, they are inexplicably revealed, a group of scientists must join forces with a detective to be able to stop the greatest threat against humanity,” says its synopsis.

Enjoy the official trailer for ‘The Three Body Problem’ here:

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