wants to dominate pop again

Katy Perry She is one of the most famous pop artists in the industry, however, her fans claim that the talented singer has completely neglected her professional career since she began being part of the jury on the famous program. American Idolwhere she has been a judge for seven seasons, but apparently this could change.

That’s right, in the program Jimmy Kimmel Live aired last Monday night, Katy Perry gave new hope and raised the expectations of her fans by revealing that abandon to the talent show, “I think this will be my last season for Idol. It has connected me to the hearts of all of America, but I truly need to get back out there and feel that heartbeat in my own way.“, explained the artist.

Of course, also hinted that he would release new music and that he is currently working on it, “My fellow judges know that I am working on some plans for this new year… I am preparing for my new significance. Also, they have noticed that I spend a lot of time in the studio, they must already be thinking about it, that something is happening“Katy responded when asked about the reaction of his peers about the decision to leave American Idol.

The fans of the interpreter of ‘darkhorse‘, they have not stopped showing their excitement through social networks, where they firmly believe in the singer’s return to the music industry after almost 4 years since the release of her last album in 2020 (smile), ensuring that everything points to one thing, and that is that apparently wants to dominate pop again.

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