About 120 migrants wait in Ferromex yards for the departure of the train to Juárez – El Sol de México

After having finished the Christmas holidays, the Migrants who were near the southern part of the city gathered at the Tabalaopa stationbeing around 120 people, who wait for confirm the departure of any of the trains from the city of Chihuahua to the border.

Due to the holidays in which the Ferromex trains stopped runningthe migrants who had stayed in the Tabalaopa station facilities continued on their way on foot or, through hitchhiking from the capital’s residents, leaving the railway yards practically empty.

However, a tour carried out in that area by El Heraldo de Chihuahua showed that, on the cars of one of the trains parked at the station to the south of the city, the Migrants began to climb on the roofs of the cars waiting for them to resume their march towards the city of Juárez.

After several of these foreigners have spent a little more than three days in the capitalspending the Christmas holidays next to bonfires and with food donated by citizens who visited them during the holidays, now they wait patiently for the train to leave the station.

Since last week, foreigners were warned that the trains would not leave the city of Chihuahua until after Christmas.Therefore, early in the morning of December 26, people who had spread out through the neighborhoods in the south of the city, near Juan Pablo II Boulevard, began to arrive on the roads.

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Some others spent Christmas Eve and Christmas in nearby shelter facilitieswhere they were offered a hot shower, a bed to rest and a decent dinner, accompanied by activities that made the celebration more enjoyable for Central American migrants.

According to several migrants, Ferromex workers told them that there was a possibility that a train would leave on December 26th or at the latest on December 27th.which can take them to their destination in the border city to fulfill their American dream.

Note originally published in El Herald of Chihuahua

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