Acapulco: workers fear problems collecting bonuses – El Sol de México

Days after the benefit is fulfilled of the payment of bonuses corresponding to 2023, workers of the tourism industry, fear that this benefit is at risk due to the devastation left by Hurricane Otis.

General secretaries of different union sections of the CTM in Acapulco said they hope that there will be no problems demanding This payment is considered by the Federal Labor Law.

Raúl Ramírez Gallardo said that the bonus It’s practically won 100 percent, because the working class already covered more than 90 percent that the law establishes to receive it in this month of December.

“I believe that all businessmen are already aware that the terms established by law were complied with, but we also know of the bad situation that hotels are in due to the hurricane, that is also why “We are going to seek to be flexible, to the proposals that they give to the businessmen (employers), it could be up to two payments to deliver the resources,” he pointed.

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He said they are more than 30 thousand workers who will have to receive their 2023 bonus, of these between about eight or 10 thousand, are considered in companies as temporary who will also have the right to this remuneration.

In this same sense, the representative of section 34, César Landín Pineda, said that The CTM is an ally of the business sector, so there is confidence that this benefit of the law will be fulfilled.

Landín Pineda, stated that If there will be complications in many companies considering the issue of further damage caused by the hurricane in all the hotels where the CTM workers are employed.

Note published in The Sun of Acapulco

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