After the murder of a candidate in Celaya, deputies seek an urgent meeting with the SSCP – El Sol de México

Before him murder happened yesterday Gisela GaytanMorena’s candidate for mayor of Celaya, and more than twenty candidates and politicians in this electoral processthe Political Coordination Board of the Chamber of Deputies (Jucopo) He reported that will request a new meeting urgently with the head of the Ministry of Security and Citizen Protection (SSPC), Rosa Icela Rodríguez.

Likewise, the legislators assured that they will call the governors of the states involved in assassinations of candidates so that attend this situation together with public security authorities, to protect the candidates.

In a joint press conference, the leaders of the Parliamentary Groups of the PRI, PAN and PRD detailed that the meetings would be with the governors of Chiapas, Morelos, WarriorMichoacán, Guanajuato, Jalisco, Veracruz, Tamaulipas and Zacatecas, due to the recent events of violence that have arisen in the electoral context.

They reported that this Tuesday all the political forces in Congress unanimously agreed to seek a meeting with Secretary Rodríguez to find a solution to the increasing number of murdered candidates in the country that, to date, totals 24 deaths.

“We requested an emergency meeting of the group that follows up on attacks during the electoral process and this afternoon we will meet,” said deputy Rubén Moreira, president of Jucopo.

Furthermore, given the recently emerged information about alleged financing by organized crime the candidates of Brunette in the past 2021 electionsin the states of Tamaulipas, Michoacán, Sinaloa and Campeche, the president of Jucopo announced that in the coming days they will file complaints and complaints before the competent authorities and the INE, while concluding that in the elections where illicit money entered the campaigns, the governors they represent today are not legitimate.

Plenary session of the Chamber of Deputies observes a minute of silence for deaths in the electoral process

The Board of Directors of the Lower House issued this Tuesday a pronouncement for condemn crimes committed in against of the integrity of the candidates and the candidates in the current electoral process.

In addition, the Chamber of Deputies observed a minute of silence in memory of the 26 people killed within the framework of the current electoral process throughout the national territory.

The Board of Directors of the Chamber of Deputies condemned the murders and the crimes committed against the integrity of candidates within the framework of the current election.

“The integrity and security of all candidates for popular elected positions is a fundamental issue that affects the stability and functionality of our democratic system. The Mexican State in its three orders and in its three powers must assume this issue as one of its highest priorities,” said the deputy president.

PT deputy Gerardo Fernández Norona mentioned that all deaths are unfortunate and the lives lost require “our solidarity and commitment by eradicate this violence be outraged, as was the candidate Gisela Gaytán.”

Women had to withdraw from their candidacy for fear of being murderedCynthia López, PRI deputy

PRI representative Cynthia Iliana López Castro highlighted that they are killing the candidates in this country, “29 have been murdered in this electoral process, plus all the women who had to withdraw from their candidacy for fear of being murdered.”

PAN representative Saraí Núñez Cerón expressed her solidarity with the family and friends of Gisela Gaytán, as well as the people of Celaya. “We condemn the cowardly act that happened and is happening throughout this country.” She spoke out to build peace among all.

Meanwhile, Gabriela Sodi of the PRD denounced that the women have been threatened and attacked“there is too much violence and what just happened with this candidate is something that can happen to all of us who are here.”

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