Agricultural and agroindustrial exports increase in the first two months of 2024 – El Sol de México

Beer, fresh or chilled tomato, tequila and mezcal, avocado, strawberries, raspberries and peppers they promoted the agricultural and agroindustrial trade balance which registered a surplus of 1,492 million dollars in February, which is 565 million dollars higher than sales abroad in the first two months of 2023, and therefore, a record figure.

The Secretariat of Agriculture and Rural Development (Sader) reported that in the first two months of the year the dynamism of the country’s agricultural and agro-industrial exports accelerated, totaling 9,059 million dollars.

This is an increase of 8.85 percent, compared to the same period in 2023, while the growth rate of imports.

Thus, the agri-food trade balance had a surplus of 1,492 million dollars, 565 million dollars higher than the first two months of last year, which meant an increase of 60.95 percent.

According to figures from Bank of Mexico (Banxico)In the same January-February period, agri-food imports totaled 7,567 million dollars, which represented an increase of 2.32 percent compared to those made in the same period of 2023.

Thus, the international agri-food trade of Mexico totaled 16,626 million dollars in the reference period.

Refers Saderthat inside, the agricultural and fishing balance presented an increase in the surplus of 391 percent, totaling 752 million dollars, the result of exports for 4,239 million dollars and imports for 3,487 million dollars.

As for the agroindustrial productss, exports were for 4,820 million dollars, while imports totaled 4,080 million dollars. In this area, the surplus on the balance was 740 million dollars.

The exports that grew the most in the first two months of 2024 were those of chocolate and other preparations food with cocoa, with an increase of 71.74 percent; preparations of coffee, tea or yerba matewith 64.46 percent.

frozen orange juice, 62.38 percent; guava, mango and mangosteens48.60 percent: grapes fresh or dried, 38.05 percent and cattle bovine, 35.86 percent.

The products with the highest export value were beer, with 1,103 million dollars; tomato fresh or refrigerated, $630 million; tequila and mezcal, 621 million dollars; avocado, 594 million dollars; strawberries and raspberries fresh, 531 million dollars and pepper, 427 million dollars.

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