Américo Villarreal rules out that police were involved in the kidnapping of the 32 migrants – El Sol de México

He governor of Tamaulipas Américo Villarreal was via videoconference at the morning conference of the president of the Republic in the National Palace He said he was offended by the allegations by some local media of the participation of state security agents in the kidnapping of migrants in the municipality of Río Bravo.

To the president’s question Andrés Manuel López Obrador Regarding the participation of police in the kidnapping of the 32 people at that border, the governor denied that there are indications of the agents’ participation.

“It offends us, these accusations are to discredit the work of security agents. In the investigation and in the video cameras that were reviewed, there is no possibility that there are police officers, they are just assumptions from a media outlet,” she assured.

During your video call, Americo Villarreal reported that three of the Venezuelans have dual nationality, but that they decided to reject consular help from Colombia; He also added that interrogations are still being carried out on some of the kidnapped people while others are being treated in the hospital. Migration’s national institute and the DIF.

Villarreal explained that the kidnapping of migrants at the border is due to the new modalities of migration, since they do not need the support of traffickers to go to the United States as before when they paid to migrate illegally, which is why now “the criminals have dedicated themselves to “search for migrants and extort them.”

For his part, the president defended the governor of Tamaulipas and to the local security corporations, describing the accusation as “politicking by our adversaries”; ensuring that it is offensive because there are good public servants.

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“I want to state that in Tamaulipas the incidence of crime has been significantly reduced and very noticeable since you have been in government,” the president acknowledged to Americo Villarreal. He also boasted that this governor has 96 percent attendance at the security tables.

“We are working in coordination with the state governments. Every day from 6 to 7 in the morning we generally meet in the security office here in the palace, although sometimes we do it in the states, we all meet. The governor of Tamaulipas “It has 96 percent attendance at the security tables,” he declared. Lopez Obrador.

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