AMLO asks that the conflict in the Middle East not escalate after Iran’s attack on Israel – El Sol de México

The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, called this Saturday for the conflict in the Middle East to “not escalate” after Iran’s attack on Israel, using drones and missiles; at the same time that he stressed that “politics was invented to avoid war.”

“Hopefully the conflict in the Middle East does not escalate. War is irrational, synonymous with suffering and death; it benefits no one, not even the magnates and war-mongering rulers. Let us support peace and universal brotherhood,” López Obrador said in a message on social network X.

Likewise, he stressed that “the maxim that politics, among other things, was invented to avoid war should not go into disuse.”

Shortly before, the Mexican Foreign Ministry had condemned “the use of force in international relations” and made “a call on the parties to self-containment and to seek solutions peacefully to avoid the generalization of the conflict in the Middle East.” “.

This Saturday, Iran launched an attack of hundreds of drones and ballistic missiles against Israel in retaliation for the bombing of the Iranian consulate in Damascus on April 1, in which seven members of the Revolutionary Guard and six Syrian citizens died.

Some of these drones were intercepted in Jordan and Israel. Meanwhile, US President Joe Biden has met with his National Security Council at the White House to monitor the situation and assured that he is supporting Israel to repel the attack.

Several countries in the region, including Israel, closed their airspace and the Tel Aviv Government urgently convened the War Cabinet in response to the ongoing attack.

The Government of Iran invoked, through its mission to the UN, article 51 of the United Nations charter to justify its attack against Israel, which it considers “legitimate defense.”

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