AMLO confirms that he presented his reform package due to the proximity of the elections – El Sol de México

After the opposition affirmed that Andrés Manuel López Obrador presented his package of 20 constitutional reform initiatives because he wants to influence the federal elections on June 2, this Tuesday, the president confirmed that he presented these amendments because he wants people to contrast his political project .

During the conference, the president was asked why he has presented his far-reaching amendments to the Magna Carta until now, and he responded that it is “because until now the conditions have been met and because the elections are coming and the people are going to decide.”

He stressed that in this electoral process “it is not going to be just which candidate wins or seeing which party, alliance or candidate wins, it is deciding on a project and that I consider is more important,” he stated.

Yesterday, leaders of opposition parties reacted to the presentation of the president’s reform package and expressed that he is doing so to get involved in the federal electoral process.

Dante Delgado, leader of the Citizen Movement (MC), expressed this Monday that: “The president is off the ballot, but he wants to get involved, and the traditional forces get him involved. Citizen Movement will not fall into that game. I draw the attention of society: the president is a crook, the president plays and is playing with the traditional forces,” he stated.

While, The PRI issued a statement where it said that it will “defend the Constitution” and announced that its legislators will vote against any initiative that seeks to eliminate autonomous bodies, weaken the Judiciary or dismantle the democratic regime.”

The national leader of the PRD, Jesús Zambrano, considered that López Obrador’s proposals “are pure demagoguery, part of his distraction strategy as campaign manager, which isadded to the fact that they are regressive and attack the division of powers and democratic institutions.”

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However, López Obrador justified his proposals on Tuesday and said that they are to save resources for the State and gave as an example the reform that outlines the elimination of autonomous organizations.

In this sense, he stressed that “all these devices that were created (in the neoliberal period) cost the people a lot, they are very onerous,” he stated.

When asked about the same initiative that he proposes disappear, among other organizations, the INAI and how it intends to guarantee access to information for Mexicans, he said that this Institute could become part of the Secretariat of Public Function (SFP) “with a truly independent character, like the Prosecutor’s Office.”

He also maintained that the members of the INAI would not act “under orders,” because currently “they have the distinction that they are militants of conservatism.”

Likewise, he expressed that the commissioners of said institute act like the media, where “there is not one that has a different position, they all meet, it is the same line,” he concluded.

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