AMLO issues his opinion on the first presidential debate: “everything is fine” – El Sol de México

“Good. Everything calm. All good. “Everything is fine,” commented the president. Andrés Manuel López Obrador about the first presidential debate between the candidates and the presidential candidate, which took place this Sunday at the headquarters of the National Electoral Institute (INE).

Although the president stressed that he could not comment on the issue, he stressed, with a smile on his face, that “it was very good, quite good.”

“Interesting, because I remembered the debates in which I participated, because in less than six months I am saying goodbye, I am retiring from public life,” noted the head of the Executive federal government during its morning conference, which was held in Mazatlan Sinaloa.

In the three Electoral campaigns in which López Obrador participated (2006, 2012 and 2018), he attended six of the seven debates that took place in that period: one in the 2006 electoral process, two in the elections in 2012 and three in the 2018 elections.

In the 2006 campaigns, the Tabasco native decided not to attend the first presidential debate and the organizers of that meeting among the other candidates (Felipe Calderonfrom the PAN; Roberto Madrazo, from the PRI-PVEM); Roberto Campa, from Panal, and Patricia Mercadoof the Social Democratic and Peasant Party) decided to place an empty lectern, which corresponded to the standard bearer of the alliance “For the good of all, first the poor” (PRD-PT-Convergencia).

The president commented that these exercises “are necessary, important. It’s what he planned INE and the format that is decided must be respected and also the candidates They can go or not go. In this case, everyone has decided to participate.”

“Good. Everything calm. All good. “Everything is fine,” concluded the man from Tabasco.

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