AMLO sends new shortlist for minister of the SCJN; Batres and Luján repeat – El Sol de México

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced this Friday that he has already sent the new shortlist for minister of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN)and said he proposed again to Lenia Batres Guadarrama and Bertha Luján

“I have already sent the shortlist for minister of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, goes Eréndira Cruz Villegas who is currently head of the Legal unit of the Ministry of Culture and returns Lenia Batres Guadarrama and Bertha Luján returns“Let’s see what they resolve in the Senate,” said the president in his morning conference.

“I hope that now two-thirds are obtained,” exclaimed the president, after this week the Senate rejected the first shortlist that he proposed and which was made up of Batres, Luján and their legal advisor María Estela Ríos González.

The president expressed his hope that the Senate will decide who will be the minister’s successor. Arturo Zaldivarwho left office to support Morena’s official candidate in political activities Claudia Sheinbaumwhile he stressed that “it is very important that it be resolved.”

This after on November 30 the Senate rejected on two occasions in vote by ballotthe shortlist to replace Arturo Zaldívar Lelo de Larrea.

With the vote against the opposition—PAN, PRI, PRD and the Plural Group— The shortlist composed of Bertha María Alcalde Luján, Lenia Batres Guadarrama and María Estela Ríos González was rejected on two occasions.

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Regarding his proposals for replace to Arturo Zaldivar In the country’s highest court, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador then acknowledged that the three proposals are closely linked to him, but he noted that they are women of integrity and incapable of committing injustices.

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