António Guterres, head of the UN, condemns Iran’s attack on Israel; calls for cessation of hostilities – El Sol de México

UN Secretary-General António Guterres said he “strongly condemns” Iran’s attack on Israel, which represents “a serious escalation,” and called for “an immediate cessation of hostilities,” in a statement issued this afternoon.

“I am deeply alarmed by the very real risk of a devastating regional escalation,” he said, calling on “all parties to exercise maximum self-control” to avoid any action that could translate into major clashes and “on multiple fronts in the East.” Half”.

A few minutes earlier, the Israeli ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, very belligerent against Guterres since the war began, wrote on his X account a message addressed to the secretary general: “Iran has violated the UN charter (… “Where are your words, where are your condemnation? Wake up!!!”.

Today’s attack has been justified by Iran as retaliation for the attack suffered on April 1 against its consulate in Damascus and attributed to Israel; Then, the Secretary General also condemned the attack but did not name Israel because the Jewish state never openly recognizes extraterritorial attacks.

So far, the UN Security Council, the highest body in charge of ensuring peace and security in the world, has not yet spoken out or called an urgent session, as is usually the case when incidents of this type occur.

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