Bachilleres workers close roads in Edomex and CDMX: streets closed and alternatives – El Sol de México

On November 16, the National Independent Union of Secondary School Workers (SINTCB) went on strike after the administration of the educational entity ignored their demands to improve their working conditions.

The workers hung the red-and-black flags on the Bachilleres campuses waiting for a different response; However, their claims were once again dismissed. Among the main requirements of the SINTCB are the following:

  • A 20% increase in salary
  • Minimum economic perceptions of 16 thousand pesos per month
  • Basification of trusted teachers and workers.

In such a situation, the SINTCB considered it necessary to take radical measures so that their demands are considered, on November 22 they carried out blockades in different parts of the metropolitan area and this Friday they will take the same measure.

Roads that the SINTCB will close


  • Tlalpan road in front of the SINTCB offices in both directions, campuses 4, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20 and General Offices.
  • Indoor circuit near the Airport, campuses 3, 6, 7, 9, 10 and 12.


Peripheral at the height of Mundo E, campuses 1, 2, 5, 8, 11, 18 and 19.

Therefore, you know, it is recommended to take due precautions and analyze alternative routes, in addition to anticipating your departure if you are heading to places close to these areas.

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