Businessmen ask for tax reform for next government – El Sol de México

ANDThe business sector will propose a comprehensive tax reform that increases tax collection in the country and place Mexico in the average collection of countries in Latin America.

Francisco Cervantes, president of the Business Coordinating Council (CCE)assured that this proposal will be part of a comprehensive plan that will be delivered to the next Government in order to create the conditions to increase public investment and promote the attraction of more foreign capital thanks to the phenomenon of nearshoring.

“We are facing a historic development opportunity and Mexico has the opportunity to implement a development project based on a digital industrial policy that is rarely presented in the history of countries,” Cervantes said at a conference.

During the presentation of the book Nearshoring: The opportunity for a new economic and social development for Mexico, the leader of the CCE explained that the central axis of the development plan will seek to position Mexico as a world leader in the digital industrial revolution.

Among the 14 plans of the business sector, it is worth highlighting an increase in public investment and financing through development banks of 35 and eight percent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), respectively.

In addition, the businessmen propose that the Government allocate three percent of the GDP between 2025 and 2035 for the creation and maintenance of infrastructure, in coordination with the College of Engineers.

Today we are the 12th largest economy in the world, but we are not satisfied, we have to go for more. Next June, when the electorate has spoken at the polls, we will present the winning presidential candidate with a wide range of reflections and proposals.Cervantes said.

Finally, the CCE plan establishes the goal of sustaining an average annual growth of five percent between 2025 and 2040 to double the GDP in a period of 15 years.

Challenges remain to be resolved: Concamin

For his part, Alejandro Malagón Barragán, president of the Confederation of Industrial Chambers (Concamin), pointed out that Mexico must urgently implement a comprehensive industrial policy that allows the country to capitalize on the opportunities of nearshoring.

Malagín highlighted that for the next Government there are pending challenges that must be addressed such as the lack of energy, gas, water and bottlenecks in road, railway, port and airport infrastructure.

“We need to have a fair, transparent and effective fiscal and regulatory framework, with open markets to generate sufficient clean energy at competitive costs, since the lack of these slows down investments related to nearshoring in some regions,” he added.

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