Channel 22 program with El Temach causes controversy and is canceled – El Sol de México

The controversial content creator Temach is once again the protagonist of a scandal on social networks, this time for a program announced on Channel 22, in which it would be discussed whether his videos are misogynistic.

The April 3 edition of the Debate 22 program was titled “Is El Temach misogynist?”, and after being announced it unleashed a wave of criticism towards the public channel.

Social media users immediately accused the participation of Luis Castilleja –real name of the content creator– in the program was to give visibility to an openly misogynistic person.

Likewise, they pointed out that there would be no other people to contrast El Temach’s position, so there would not really be a debate.

The controversy escalated to such a point that Channel 22 had to issue a statement excusing the content planned for this Wednesday’s program.

“The selection of guests, as well as the opinions expressed in the program, are the responsibility of the hosts, who have the guarantee of freedom of expression that the Government of Mexico assures to citizens,” the statement said.

However, the channel’s positioning caused greater discomfort among citizens, who accused that the station was simply washing its hands while allowing a sexist discourse to be replicated.

“In other words, we wash our hands of the programming of our channel, for which we should have responsibility because we broadcast in favor of dignified culture in a country of violence,” could be read in one of the comments on X (formerly Twitter ).

Subsequently, Canal 22 reported that due to complaints about El Temach’s participation in Debate 22, it had been cancelled.

“Based on the complaints received by the Ombudsman’s Office and the social networks of this institution, the General Directorate has made the decision to suspend the transmission of the Debate 22 program scheduled for tonight, titled Is El Temach misogynist?” , reads the second statement.

In the same sense, the channel indicated that, as well as the audience, they considered that the program did not coincide with the values ​​of the station, nor of the Ministry of Culture, to which it belongs.

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