Clara advances in the City – El Sol de México

A couple of days ago we concluded the first month of campaigns for the Head of Government in the City and there is clarity in the panorama: the Transformation project headed by Clara Brugada will make history again.

After four weeks, Clara ends her first month of the campaign with more than 140 assemblies in which she has visited the 16 mayoralties, meeting with the People of the City to present her proposals and her government plan. It is worth keeping in mind that of the three people who aspire to govern the City, Clara is the one who has covered the territory the most in these weeks; This is what our Movement has done since its origins, touching hearts and consciences door to door. For that reason, Morena is leading the polls month after month.

At the end of March, Enkoll reports 50% voting intention for Clara Brugada against 36% for the real estate mafia leader Santiago Taboada; Polls Mx 56% against 39%; Polyester 54.3% versus 38.6%; Berumen 55% against 30%; Mitofsky 54.5% against 39%; FactoMetrica 56% against 34%; El Financiero 44% against 36% and Rebrum 51% against 36%.

For these overwhelming numbers and other reasons, sadly the classic practices of the right and the dirty war in the streets have not been lacking. In the opposition mayors’ offices, residents have documented how the PRIAN deploys night brigades to destroy all the propaganda of the Morena candidates.

It is evident that, in the face of desperation due to the rejection of the people and their lack of project and proposals to offer to citizens, as Santiago Taboada evidenced in the first debate for the Head of Government, the right has completely given itself over to the campaigns. of misinformation sometimes using aggression in the streets. However, while their political tool is fear, ours is hope, the sum of wills and construction always hand in hand with the People.

Last Sunday our candidates for the 16 mayoralties, councillors, and the City Congress began their path to the second floor of the Transformation. These are honest women and men committed to people’s struggles, which is why they have enormous popular support. As we said at the start of the campaigns, we have a commitment to history and the long democratic tradition of Mexico City, that is why with great unity and organization we will not let the right advance. We cannot afford the setbacks that conservatism represents.

More and more people, aware of the times we live in, join the project of Clara Brugada and Claudia Sheinbaum to materialize the utopias of this great City. The challenge is great and we will be up to it. Let’s make history again!

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