Clara Brugada proposes increasing UNAM, UAM and IPN universities – El Sol de México

Clara Brugada Molina, candidate for the head of Government for Morena, the Labor Party and the Green Ecologist Party of Mexico, raised the need to crhear new universitiesfor which you plan to look for the National Autonomous University of Mexico, the National Polytechnic Institute and the Metropolitan Autonomous University.

During a meeting with more than 100 women scientists and researchers, the candidate explained that to achieve the creation of more campuses, universities must do so on their own initiative, for which they would receive the support of the local government.

“One of the great purposes is to talk to the universities, how we can create more spaces: universities of the UNAM, the UAM and the Polytechnic in Mexico City. “That implies resources, I know, that’s why we have to talk and we would have to see where it is needed, it is very clear, there is even land, but here the important thing is that other schools can be built in other parts of the city,” he said. .

He highlighted the creation of universities in this administration, among them Rosario Castellanos Universitywhich he described as an innovative solution to combat educational lag.

He insisted on the need to have a direct pass to high school, with the aim of guaranteeing that all students finish upper secondary education and affirmed that university students from public schools will have financial support for transportation.

The candidate committed to women scientists to promote actions that allow the strengthening of research, innovation, scientific and humanistic dissemination programs, to find solutions to the various problems facing the capital.

“We want the city to continue to be the most important space in science and technology, and to continue to be an ever-growing reference,” he highlighted.

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