CNDH and Culture of Peace – El Sol de México

Mexico is about to end its six-year term with a poor performance in terms of reducing violence – or already losing it, stopping it – and building peace. Crime, homicides and femicides increased; There was a severe deterioration in public health and education services, and although the minimum wage increased, it did not have the purchasing power to even buy the basic basket.

The security strategy did not work. What did happen was that a permanent polarization arose, increasing the division of Mexico’s political landscape. This division has been intensified by violent electoral cycles: attacks, murders, threats and bombings. More than twenty candidates for elected positions have been murdered in this process. They will be the most violent elections in the country’s recent history. This activity of running for public office has become more dangerous than playing Russian roulette.

The Global Peace Index is an indicator developed by the Institute for Economics and Peace, which measures the level of peace and the absence of violence in a country or region; Our country ranks 136 out of 162 in the report. When the first report was published in 2013, conflicts between Mexican criminal organizations were relatively low, with 160 incidents of clashes between cartels, resulting in at least one death. In 2021, the number increased to 3,722, that is, 23 times more. In 2022, the economic impact of violence in Mexico was 4.6 trillion pesos, equivalent to 18.3% of the national GDP or $35,705 pesos per person. Spending on public security and the judicial system as a percentage of GDP was less than half the average for members of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). That is to say, obviously hugs and not bullets were cheaper as a means to confront crime.

Regarding polarization, in 2022, 52% of Mexicans believed that their country was very or extremely divided and 65% believed that it was unlikely that the divisions could be overcome. This undermines the government’s ability to operate effectively and cohesively and cements deep distrust in government institutions. Positive peace, to which AMLO and Sheinbaum want to jump from step zero to 100, has deteriorated by 3.1% since 2009. With the nest of latent conflicts and the complexity of the crisis facing the country, the need to create broader and more articulated approaches to building peace, or at least the desire for it.

On April 1, 2024, the decree adding section XIII Bis to article 6 was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation. of the Law of the National Human Rights Commission. The new power of the CNDH will be to promote a culture of peace. Senator Alejandra Noemí Reynoso Sánchez said, referring to the draft decree: “Which side do you want to be on? On the side of polarization and hatred, or on the side of reconciliation, reunion and peace-building. Definitely, I am in the second option. And remember, that insecurity is fought, but peace is built.”

Promoting that a Culture of Peace is a power of the CNDH in the Law is a great step so that, with hard work, it increases the confidence and willingness of people to participate in the country’s decisions. It is already captured on paper. I am eager to read what measures this institution will take to convert the formal right into real so that we can effectively see the achievements of the Culture of Peace, so necessary and pressing. Congratulations.

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