Corporate Moment / Merama, only smoke and false promises – El Sol de México

There is more and more evidence and accusations about the way in which the company Merama, founded by Sujay Tyle and Felipe Delgado, operates, which simply does not comply with what is offered both to the companies in which they acquire a shareholding, as well as to their investors. and its own collaborators, who by the way are becoming fewer and fewer, due to the recent dismissal of personnel due to the operational and financial problems it is experiencing. Merama has a presence in the aggregator segment, also known as accelerators of e-commerce brands in Latin America, mainly for e-commerce platforms such as Amazon and Mercado Libre. And their modus operandi consists of buying part of the capital of companies selling online products with high potential to literally squeeze them, extract their ideas and let them die. They tell us that there are many examples and just to mention there is Valor Capital, Monashees Capital and Balderton Capital, Loggi, Madeira Madeira and even Softbank and Advent International.

Recently in Mexico they partnered with a company that markets foods called superfoods; However, their alliance never progressed because they did not help them consolidate their local presence, much less internationalize.

The complainants of these practices agree that Merama is a real burden that does not add any value, since they do not have the know-how or the contacts to expand a business, as they offer them, and if that were not enough, their promises are true ” “gurus” of electronic commerce are described as gross lies. Furthermore, none of the companies in which they participate have grown exponentially as advertised. On the contrary, most companies suffered a sharp decline in their sales and only a few have managed to stay afloat with numbers far from promised expectations.

Sustainable platform

As part of the agreement between SIMS Sistema Inteligente de Movilidad Sustentable, and Plaza Mitikah de Fibra Uno, for the installation of charging stations for electric vehicles, Veo Agency began the promotion of its sustainable advertising offer through an advertising platform that allows it to attract attention of drivers while waiting to recharge their vehicle, a simple and direct way to achieve the impact of advertising messages. Another of the great advantages of Veo Agency’s offer is the precise segmentation so that the messages reach the advertiser’s target audience at the right time, which maximizes the effectiveness of the campaigns, but the most relevant is the commitment to sustainability. and innovation, in a context of growing presence of electric and hybrid cars in the Mexican market that suffers from the lack of charging infrastructure and which is emerging as the crucial element in the purchase decision of this type of units.


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