Deep Water | Pemex ravine – El Sol de México

Pemex has become a bottomless barrel for many reasons, the main one being its poor financial management and sad attempts to hide the unimaginable. What we know today, from its directors, is that Pemex’s debt as such is the highest in its history and the deterioration comes from recent years, those of Q4.

In 2018, the short-term financial debt was 9.7 billion dollars, today and towards the end of the six-year term it indicates that it will be at least 32 billion dollars, that is the inheritance that will be left to the next administration and They must be starting to worry because they are doctoring the figures with a criterion that was unthinkable in neoliberal years: deceiving the banks.

The maturities that have to be settled between now and December 2024 are for 12,400 million dollars according to its Finance Directorate, however, in June it was said that this amount was 15,300 million dollars. What magic happened? Now, the debts with suppliers are enormous, they have only paid the urgent contracts, but the information we have is that at least the most favored have not been paid in five or even six months and there are other maturities for 19 billion dollars pay throughout the year.

Pemex hides this information, it conceals it in its financial statements and the directors have sought explanations from outside and the result was terror, the short-term debt is a third of its total and in comparison with the levels of the previous government the crisis is more than evident, the neoliberals of EPN kept this concept at a tenth. For now, before I owed a short-term peso and now I owe a little more than three pesos.

The fiscal arrangements with the SHCP have been insufficient, the Secretary of the Treasury, Rogelio Ramírez de la O, has simply poured money into the oil company without stopping and that, it is clear, has not improved the business.

On the contrary, the trademark of the house is the same: delivering things incomplete and poorly.


1.- Christmas surprise. Here we tell you what was happening with MC WELL SERVICES FROM MEXICO and it turns out that there is another company called PIETRO FLORENTINI FROM MEXICO, which is doing the same thing, competing for a contract of 50 million dollars, the ACREF-S007-2020 regarding the service of Multiphase Measurement and Gauges, however both companies do not have the experience and capacity required to carry out the project. And in recent weeks it got even worse because the contract comes with a shortened schedule; The presentation and opening of quotes is scheduled for December 27 and the Contract Assignment Notification on January 11, 2024.

2.-They tell us that there are already complaints against MC WELL SERVICES filed with the Ministry of Public Administration because it has apparently been operating in the shadows as a subcontractor, executing services through contracts from other companies, with equipment not suitable for operation, So much so that there is a history of services not executed but charged. This with the complicity of employees of Pemex Exploration and Production Southern Region.

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