Denmark will extend the legal period to terminate a pregnancy from 12 to 18 weeks – El Sol de México

Denmark will expand 12 to 18 weeks of gestation is the legal period to terminate a pregnancyannounced the Ministry of Health on Friday, at a time when this right is being challenged in various parts of the world.

“After 50 years, it’s time for the rules on the abortion and that we strengthen women’s right to decide,” declared the minister, Sophie Løhde, in a statement.

“From now on, women will have the time and the right to reflect on what to do,” Camilla Rathke, president of the Danish Medical Association, told the Ritzau news agency.

Danish girls between 15 and 17 years old will also be able to have an abortion without their parents’ consent.

Voluntary termination of pregnancy up to 12 weeks of gestation has been legal in Denmark since 1973.. The Ethics Council recommended at the end of last year to extend the period to 18 weeks, as in Sweden.

The bill, backed by the left-wing opposition, must go through Parliament, where it is expected to be adopted by a large majority. In that case, the regulations will come into force on June 1, 2025.

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In Western Europe, The countries that allow later abortions are the United Kingdom and the Netherlandswith 24 weeks, and Iceland, with 22 weeks.

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