Eight months later, Ecobici modernization almost ready – El Sol de México

The Mobility Secretariat (Semovi) of Mexico City reported that the Ecobici modernization process is 98 percent complete, which consists of the renewal of cycle stations and bicycles, as well as the arrival to the Álvaro Obregón, Coyoacán and Azcapotzalco municipalities. .

The modernization process began in July 2022 by the BKT and 5M2 consortium, which operates Ecobici, which consists of the replacement of 6,500 bicycles and the acquisition of 2,808 more, as well as the renovation of 480 cycle stations and the installation of 207 further.

In addition, the expansion to 32 colonies in three new municipalities: Álvaro Obregón, Coyoacán and Azcapotzalco, and 31 more colonies where it already operates: Benito Juárez, Cuauhtémoc and Miguel Hidalgo.

“This year the Ecobici service in the country’s capital closes with a total of 642 stations installed and 7,344 bicycles, this, as part of the modernization plan carried out by the agency.

“This replacement represents 93 percent of the new coverage that the public bicycle system in Mexico City will have,” Semovi reported.

The renovation and expansion should have been completed in April 2023, but due to the shortage of chips due to the pandemic, which are essential for the brain of the cycle stations to function, the process was delayed.

Even on September 2, 2022, the Mobility Secretariat (Semovi) of Mexico City reported on the pause in the renovation that would be resumed on September 14, but the problem continued and extended for a few more days.

“It is worth mentioning that Ecobici already has more than 120 thousand users and 13 million trips during the year, which is why it obtained a historical record of trips since the implementation of the

system for more than 13 years,” said Semovi.

The Ministry of Mobility reported that 7,536 people used Ecobici, and highlighted that the three most used bicycles totaled 15,464 kilometers, equivalent to traveling 368 marathons.

He also revealed that the most used cycle stations were Buenavista and Avenida Sonora and Insurgentes Sur, which added 595,885 users this year.

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“On the other hand, one of the cycle stations with the most uses this year is located in Buenavista, which registered 408,412 uses. The station has a greater frequency of use due to the connection it has with various systems of the Integrated Mobility Network (IM) such as Metro Line B, Metrobús Lines 1, 3 and 4, as well as the Suburban Train,” Movilidad indicated.

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