El Espectador / Morena derails on the land of the Mayan Train – El Sol de México

In the lands of the Mayan Train, Morena begins to go off the rails. This is what it looked like during the PAN member’s visit yesterday Renan Barrera Concha to the facilities of the Electoral and Citizen Participation Institute of Yucatán, to make his candidacy for the government of that state official.

The surprise is that, after many decades of being deeply confronted, the local PAN members and PRI members finally presented themselves as an alliance, in addition to the fact that they arrived accompanied by almost eight thousand former Morena militants who decided to leave that party in recent days.

In reality, the blame for this massive rout is not Andrés Manuel López Obrador, nor of its priority infrastructure projects. In fact, the blue and white government of Mauricio Vila has welcomed the great railway project and considers it a factor in the development of Yucatán.

The person responsible for the breakdown of Morena’s structures in the entity is its candidate for governor Joaquín “Huacho” Díaz Menawho decided to hand over the party’s most important candidacies to figures drawn from other political forces.

Specifically, Morenismo in Yucatán feels aggrieved by the imposition of 106 candidates for municipal presidents who have no roots or track record in National Regeneration. They point out that profiles from the PRI and the PAN were prioritized. The most notorious case is that of the exclavadista and blue and white deputy Rommel Pacheco Marrufo, designated as a candidate for the alliance led by Morena to compete for the mayor of Mérida; Another example is the appointment of the ex-priist Carlos “Niño” Ortega in Motul, instead of Mariana Cruz Pool.

The so-called founders of Morena have also been hurt by the boost that this political force has given to Jorge Carlos Ramirezcurrently identified as one of the main advisors of “Huacho” Díaz Mena. The former tricolor legislator made the leap towards the Green Party, offering the Fourth Transformation alliance the accession of his structures; Therefore, at the time, he requested that he even be considered as a candidate for governor.

It is known now, from what was seen yesterday in the registry of Renan Barrerawho failed to join these forces and, on the contrary, was responsible for Morenoism losing the little it had in the entity.

In the aforementioned scenario, and although no one believes them anymore, with a cluster of polls that keep Morena with a double-digit disadvantage in Yucatán, the party at the national level begins to focus its batteries on other states in which they predict greater growth . For example, Jalisco and Guanajuato, where the opposition effectively leads but there is rejection of their current governments due to high levels of insecurity.

In a diametrically opposite case, we see Morelos, where the figure or, rather, the results of the government of Cuauhtémoc Blanco they increase the risk of losing the entity.

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