In politics there are no surprises, but there are many surprised. The writer Lewis Carrol explained in Alice in Wonderland, that human beings and characters in a fable stupidly compare time to a clock. But time is relative and beyond a 12-hand metric.
A professor from FCPyS UNAM explained in his interesting Society and Communication class that science is helped by logic, since there are many metrics, such as time, that must be interpreted with signs. For example, we use logic to measure the distance between the moon and the sun, but no one has taken a tape measure and measured the distance of more than 384,400 km meter by meter.
The above is used to interpret electoral times through various clocks. Some who are ahead and hope to take possession on September 1st, others who are very behind by more than 10 or 20 points, and the “older” ones who have already run out of battery and are left in the old fashion.
For example, last Sunday “Mr. Time” earned the mark of the first presidential debate for materializing the alleged culprit and creditor of the complaints of the candidates for the presidential chair; that signaled the stopwatch to fail and harm the dynamics in the exchange of ideas. The simple truth is that the disciple of “cronos” did fail; but we cannot say that he was responsible for the Sunday boredom. What we observed is that there is little ability to improvise the formats and the best outcome was a chain of bitterness and complaints in all the post-debate interviews.
Less than two months before election day, the results seem predictable. Those who are ahead begin to manage their times. To the question of who won the first round? It is very simple to answer, who did not lose the lead. Who didn’t benefit? Well, the candidate who never sent the ropes to the toe. It was an exercise where the protagonists of the post-debate encouraged the respectable more than their protagonists.
Two are missing rounds more and we will have a winner who will have six years to prove that “time proved her right.” The loser argued that she “lacked time,” and the third party in disagreement will say that she will have much more time to continue showing her fake smile. Meanwhile, those who are running out of time are the undecided, some think that if they do not vote it is the best rebellious decision of their life, but they are wrong, since the low participation benefits the leaders and will give them more time in the power.
Every six years the ruling political class promises that there will be better times, that it is only a matter of time and that times are perfect for change, blah, blah, blah. The important thing is that a lot of time has passed in which reality has shown that it is the only counterweight for politicians that what they do best is play with the political times not only of their voters, but of the new generations, which by the way have little time, although they do not see it that way, to give other times to their life and to the country. After this electoral tongue twister. At the time.
Political communicator, academic at FCPyS UNAM and Master in Political Journalism @gersonmecalco