Faced with the debacle, López pulls the rabbit out of the hat – El Sol de México

The situation in the country is getting worse every day, insecurity is escalating to levels never seen before, the shortage of medicines is evident despite the expensive mega pharmacy, Mexico is on the verge of an unprecedented drought, López’s projects are not working, the refinery does not refine, in the AIFA not even the flies stop, the Mayan train breaks down day in and day out, the Mexican military airline travels without passengers, the country is rapidly going into debt and, in terms of corruption, this government surpasses to all of the above.

In this context, last week was disastrous for AMLO. The audios where their children turn out to be “coyotes” and influence peddlers are becoming more and more known and are causing outrage among some Morenistas. The revelations of the delivery of money from the Sinaloa Cartel to López’s campaign in 2006 generated him the trending topic with the hashtag #NarcoPresidenteAMLO, which remained in first place for more than a week. Anabel Hernández revealed the links between Salgado Macedonio and his daughter Evelyn Salgado, Governor of Guerrero, with Arturo Beltrán Leyva. Codigo Magenta, a Nuevo León news outlet, revealed conversations and photographs that allow us to infer the use of money from the fiscal huachicol in Morena campaigns. The former director of Notimex’s 4T, Sanjuana Martínez, released audios of López’s Press Chief giving instructions to repress workers at the news agency. The Mayor of Manzanillo, Griselda Martínez, denounces the possible intervention of drug traffickers in campaigns in favor of Morena and the party decides to expel her from it. On Monday, a road blockade was carried out by transporters throughout the country tired of the robberies, murders and extortion by organized crime. In the President’s land, Tabasco, two organized crime gangs are fighting for control.

Perhaps the worst news for Obrador is that the campaign of his candidate, Claudia Sheinbaum, is not growing, she turns out to be a boring candidate, poorly approached and without initiative who is carrying out a campaign far from the people, in her rallies there is no spontaneity, only shameless carry, its image deteriorates and Xóchitl has resumed its original momentum. The strategy of buying surveys at the beginning to give Claudia as the winner and generate the perception that there was nothing more to do, no longer works.

Faced with this disastrous scenario, the President, displaying his skills as a fool, presents a package of constitutional reforms with the sole purpose of distracting people, having society talking about his follies and using them as campaign material for the elections. It is not worth spending a lot of space on his trap, let’s say in general terms the following:

  1. Using his distorted knowledge of History from 4th grade, López accuses 30 years of neoliberalism of the current situation in the country (from the De la Madrid government to Peña Nieto). It is revealing that AMLO wants to return us to the immediate past of those governments, that is, to the time of Díaz Ordaz, Echeverría and López Portillo, to that country that no one wants anymore, of authoritarianism, one-person power, demagoguery, populism, opacity, without freedom press and respect for human rights.
  2. Without considering the increase in the deficit and public debt this year, it proposes several initiatives that considerably increase public spending, for example: increasing the number of scholarships, health services for all Mexicans, insuring police, national guard, teachers and doctors with a minimum income equivalent to the average IMSS salary and guarantee pensions to workers with the last salary. Mr. de Palacio forgets that there is no longer fiscal space for more spending; to be viable, these reforms would have to be accompanied by a significant tax increase.
  3. The lying President tries to deceive by saying that he will establish a “seed fund” of 64 billion pesos to pay for the increase in pensions, but it is a distraction to justify the disappearance of autonomous organizations. It is a big lie, who with half a brain would think that that amount is enough if today we have an expense of 2 BILLION pesos in pensions? It is pure demagoguery when he does not establish a concrete and lasting source of financing to cover this expense in the future.
  4. These proposals also help you “get healthy.” Given his failure or inaction on sensitive issues such as the lack of water in several cities or the disaster of the Health System, in a demagogic way, López tries to show sensitivity, which he has not had in five years, by proposing legal changes

In short, AMLO is presenting reforms so that people are distracted and do not talk about their corruption and failure. It makes proposals that may be very popular, but unviable, which will serve to gain support for its true objectives: disappear the institutional counterweights represented by the autonomous bodies and the SCJN; keep campaigning these months in a deceitful way and try to win a legislative majority for his party by establishing an undemocratic regime.

President of the Mexican Academy of Education

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