Federal forces do not stop violence in Guerrero, accuses bishop – El Sol de México

“What’s the point of sending more?” soldiers either national guards Yeah They only patrol for a day or two and then leave.. The criminals return and it is a never-ending story,” accused the bishop from Chilapa, José de Jesús Gonzálezwho criticizes that the arrival of more than 15 thousand elements of federal forces of security to the state in January of this year has not stopped the violence.

During the first month of the year members of criminal groups public transport units burned and they murdered drivers, which caused suspension of service in the four main cities of the entity – Acapulco, Taxco, Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo and Chilpancingo -, in addition to committing murders in tourist areas and in the capital of the state governed by the Morenista Evelyn Salgado.

It may interest you: Violence against transporters continues in Guerrero; taxis burned in Chilpancingo

Despite the presence of almost 50 percent more federal agents than there were last year, during January 2024 There were only two fewer homicides. than those of the same period in 2023 and 44 percent more than in January 2022, according to figures from the Executive Secretariat of the National Security System.

He The federal government sent 10,000 more National Guard agents to the entity300 from the Secretary of the Navy and 300 soldiers to support public security tasks.

In interview with The Sun of Mexicohe Bishop of Chilapa explained that when there is a military presence, criminals give a truce, but When the soldiers leave, the criminals return with more violenceso he considered that the arrival of more soldiers would be of little use if they do not make a permanent presence in the towns with violence.

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“They should stay longer, so at least they give the communities a break, a little peace”declared the Catholic leader, who added that the majority of the people in his community have expressed their concern and have questioned what is happening, that the violence has reached the point of economically paralyzing the capital of Guerrero: Chilpancingo .

“There are many criminalsthere’s a lot security personnel and They don’t grab any of them or they let them go or they don’t have permission to follow them., there is a cause; You see that the President told them that hugs and not bullets, so they let them go, without us questioning the government’s attitude,” said José de Jesús González.

Besides of deployment of elements of the Army, Navy and National Guard To the state, the Ministry of Defense has installed eleven more military bases” in support of security; which according to academic Fernando Jiménez, only does the task of deterring possible criminal acts. “This strategy of sending Federal Forces after a high-impact event has been done since 2006.. What they do when they arrive with their operatives, they deter violence and on some occasions support the investigation, calm is generated, but they leave and at the same time the criminals return,” he indicated.

The researcher explained that although the security elements do the job of deterring the criminal activity in public spaces, their operations and presence are not accompanied by strategies to stop and financially weaken the generators of violence.

“The biggest problem with these operations is that They are not accompanied by a criminal fight strategy, with intelligencefor find the generators of violence, intervene in businesses where they launder money. They only do deterrence work in public spaces,” he said.

Fernando Jiménez agreed with the bishop of Chilapahe sending agents from the Navy, the Army and the National Guard is not enough, because they do not patrol or have a permanent presence in areas controlled by crime,” because they do not pursue criminals or bring them to justice.” “The deployment of more soldiers and agents has not been enough, because they have not been deployed in the places where the most violence has been generated. The theme of public transport “It is a very old problem, drivers are forced to work for crime in multiple tasks or they are murdered,” the academic added.

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According to public information from the Secretary of the Navy, The 300 extra elements that he sent to Guerrero for security tasks were assigned to the coasts of the entitylike Acapulco, which is in the process of reconstruction after the passage of the category 5 hurricane, Otis.

Visitors to the port during January 2024 were interviewed by this newspaper and indicated that They saw very little military presence on the beach or on its main avenues.

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