First batch of Moderna vaccine against Covid-19 arrives in Mexico – El Sol de México

The first updated batch of Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccine arrived at Felipe Ángeles International Airport (AIFA), reported Asofarma Mexico.

Through a statement, The company reported that the vaccine has the health record of the Federal Commission for the Protection against Health Risks (Cofepris) for distribution in the Mexican market.

José Miguel Fonken, CEO of Asofarma, commented that the arrival of the Moderna vaccines is not only a health strategy, but also a collaborative effort which demonstrates the ability of the science, industry and government to address public health challenges with innovative and effective solutions.

Likewise, he announced that heThe vaccine will be on sale for both the public and private sectors, either through health agencies or in offices and private hospitalsrespectively.

For her part, the director of the Asofarma Vaccines Business Unit, Alejandra Espinosa, He stated that the company is making progress in commercializing the vaccine and ensuring its distribution nationwide.

Until now, the Asofarma has not defined a cost for sale to the public, However, he noted that its marketing will be through distributors authorized by the company.

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In United States, the Moderna vaccine against him coronavirus sells on average in 118 dollars, approximately two thousand Mexican pesos at the current exchange rate.

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