Former IPN student remains in preventive detention for selling photos of classmates with AI – El Sol de México

Diego N, former student of the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) allegedly pointed out by edit with Artificial Intelligence photos of women to sell on the internet, will continue in preventive prisonsince his defense refused to revoke the preventive detention, stated the lawyer for eight of the victimsValeria Martínez.

This Friday, at 10:00 a.m., the hearing requested by the suspect’s defense would take place, which was suspended due to the withdrawal. Outside the courts of the Judiciary of Mexico City Victims and activists protested.

“The defense had requested a change in precautionary measures, that is, for Diego N to leave preventive pressure; However, this morning we were just notified that the defense withdrew the requestso we no longer saw the importance of following up,” said Valeria Martínez.

The lawyer indicated that the sentence that Diego N could receive for him digital violence crime is up to nine years in prisonin addition to complying with the reparation of the students’ damage, but, he said, there are gaps in the legislation that the alleged aggressor could take advantage of.

“First you should understand that this is wrong, that it is a crime and that getting rich at the expense of other people’s bodies “It’s not good and not like I used to laugh at it,” he mentioned.

The lawyer stressed that it is important that the authorities analyze this crime with gender perspectivesince it is the first case that could be brought to trial for modifying photos with Artificial Intelligence.

“There are a few gaps, because at least this legislation is a ‘baby’, being the first case we see that there are some things to attend to and that must be modified, but for now we are doing what we can with what we have ”he added.

Valeria Martínez stressed that Diego N has been under preventive detention for three monthsbut affected students can request an extension of time until six months to strengthen the research portfolio.

“We need to check if everything in the folder is enough to continue oral trial because we don’t want it to be a weak trial and for the defense to attack from there, that’s why we have requested another two months And if in two months we see that we still do not have all the elements that help strengthen the portfolio, we could request two more,” he said.

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