Gaza: Deadly bombings after truce between Israel and Hamas expires – El Sol de México

Israel resumed its bombings in Gaza this Friday after the expiration of a week-long truce with Hamaswith a provisional balance of more than 100 deadaccording to the authorities of the Islamist movement in power in that Palestinian territory.

Upon hearing the first explosions, shortly after the truce expired at 07:00 local time (0500 GMT), thousands of Gazans sought refuge in hospitals and schools, converted into fortune camps for displaced people, reported AFP journalists in Gaza.

He israeli army stated that it hit “more than 200 terrorist targets”, mainly areas with “hidden explosives, tunnels used for terrorist purposes, launch ramps [de cohetes] and command centers” of Hamas.

The Gaza Ministry of Health reported more than 100 deathsincluding children in this narrow enclave of 362 km2, from where thick columns of gray smoke rose.

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The resumption of fighting slammed the door on hopes of extending the truce in force since November 24, which allowed dozens of hostages held by Hamas to be exchanged for Palestinian prisoners in Israel and facilitated the entry of aid to the Gaza Strip.

The war began on October 7 when Islamist militants swept into southern Israel, killing 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and kidnapping about 240, according to Israeli authorities.

In response, Israel vowed to eliminate Hamas and unleashed a campaign of air and ground strikes in Gaza that the Hamas government says has so far stopped more than 15,000 dead, the vast majority also civilians.

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“Hamas is going to take a beating”

Visiting the region, the head of American diplomacy, Anthony Blinkenurged on Thursday to extend it for “eighth day and more” and asked that, in the event of a resumption of bombing, Israel demarcate “safe” areas for Gaza civilians.

But on Friday morning, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahuclaimed that Hamas “violated” the agreement by “firing rockets” toward Israel.

“The Israeli government is determined to achieve the goals of the war: to free the hostages, eliminate Hamas and ensure that Gaza never again poses a threat to the people of Israel,” Netanyahu’s office said in a statement.

Hamas “will take the mother of all beatings,” an Israeli government spokesman promised.

In response, Ezzat el Richq, leader of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, another armed movement in Gaza, stated that the Israeli army “will not achieve, by resuming the war”, the objectives that it “did not achieve before the truce.”

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