Houses affected in Del Valle by explosion, still without inspection and at risk of collapse – El Sol de México

Surrounding houses to the property where a week ago a burst due to gas accumulation, in the Benito Juárez mayor’s office, are in risk from debris that affect its walls and delays in rulings for his retirement.

The sinister that occurred last December 22 at number 1017, Providencia Street, in Colonia Del Valle, left a balance of a deceased personsix injured, as well as one of the four homes at that site destroyed.

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Some surrounding houses suffered damages, such as the one marked with the number 1013 where a false ceiling collapsed and has cracks in its wall.

“We felt an impact, it shook (…), but since it had film security Not much glass fell. It was very impressive,” said Delia Angélica, who lives in that living place.

He property now it is affected by the weight of the rubbish leaning on its wall and that could collapse along with the second floor of the house.

Last Friday Delia Angélica received the technical opinion from the Comprehensive Risk Management Unit of the Civil Protection Secretariatwhich “suggested” shoring work on the wall.

“According to the ocular inspection carried out on December 27 of the current year in the company of the administration assistant (…) in which it was suggested to carry out the shoring up of the affected areas,” the document indicates dated December 29, 2023.

The tons of rubble They have not yet been removed because the Responsible Director of Works (DRO) of the Benito Juárez mayor’s office has not yet carried out the ocular inspection, to subsequently issue the project in which the measures and mechanisms are described. intervene the property.

“This is urgent so that it is not a total loss of the house, because this is a load-bearing wall, so it could be generating much more damage to the rest of the structure,” said Delia Angélica.

Abraham Gordianuscivil engineer in structures and who reviewed the propertypointed out that the DRO has to describe how to remove the debris, either by hand or with small excavators.

“The recommendation is that it be done by hand and/or with a bobcat, which is like a miniature excavator, but they tend to push to lift the rubble. This wall is defeated. The castle was affected.

“The problem is that if the wall collapses we run the risk of the upper part collapsing,” said the engineer.

Other property affected by the weight of the debris is 618 González De Cosío Street, just behind 1017, where the burst. There, the wall, around three meters high and 10 meters long, is tilted and has cracks that have expanded in recent days.

Rocío Santamaría, who lives in that house, said that she cannot begin the rehabilitation process and exercise her insurance, because she has not yet received the opinion from the mayor’s DRO.

The opinion It hasn’t arrived yet, because that must be the DRO, right now they just gave the authorization so we could shore up,” he mentioned.

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El Sol de México consulted the Benito Juárez mayor’s office about the delays in the tell men of the intervention project and confirmed that shoring work began this weekend.

He also pointed out that the opinion of the debris removal corresponds to the Attorney General’s Office, which is leading the investigation into the explosion, and the Institute for the Construction Safety.

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