In Etchojoa, where poverty reigns, they ask Sheinbaum to fulfill AMLO’s promises – El Sol de México

Etchojoa, Sonora.- “Dr. Claudia, the Mayo Justice Plan is not forgotten,” read a banner that residents of the municipality of Etchojoa, Sonora, one of the poorest in the country, showed to Claudia Sheinbaum, presidential candidate of the Let’s Keep Making History coalition (Morena- PT-PVEM), during his visit to this territory in northeastern Mexico.

Those in charge of carrying the message waited, along with dozens of supporters, for more than four hours for the presidential candidate, who was coming from a rally in Empalme, to ask her to continue a promise of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador: the Plan of Justice Mayo that aims to address the historical backwardness of this municipality in southern Sonora.

Even the Cuatroté candidates in the state recognize the conditions of Etchojoa, Celida López Cárdenas, candidate of the Labor Party to the Senate of the Republic for Sonora, recalled that the National Council for the Evaluation of Social Development Policy (Coneval) continues to include to this municipality on the list of the poorest, however, he promised, together with Sheinbaum, to continue the president’s social policy.

“Coneval always distinguishes this land for being one of the most forgotten lands, Andrés Manuel López Obrador arrived with his justice plan and the reinvigoration of our people began, today the second stage of the fourth transformation has the face of a woman (… .) There are 50 days left, only fifty days until machismo is defeated throughout Mexico,” he said.

The plan announced by the president contemplates in 2022 that it seeks to provide the May people with basic infrastructure, education, housing and productive systems to get out of poverty, however, the president said in recent days that he would not have time to fulfill all his commitments and He would ask his successor to keep his promises.

In a land where President López Obrador enjoys a lot of popularity, since he won the election here the three times he was a presidential candidate, May residents promised to vote for Sheinbaum and she offered to respond to their concerns, so her word remained. pawned

Georgina, 47, attended the rally with three of her children, one of them a beneficiary of the Young People Building the Future Scholarship. She acknowledged that there are pending issues, however, she gave her vote of confidence.

“We lack public lighting, streets, security above all, schools, however, we come to support it and give it our vote to help the dozens of low-income families here,” he said.

Although the wait was long, people remained gathered around Rafaela Rodríguez Street and Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla Street, where the rally was held, listening to Claudia Sheinbaum’s speech.

Another request from the inhabitants of Etchojoa was to address the addiction problem among young people, which they described as a pending issue.

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