In the shade / Cuauhtémoc Blanco – El Sol de México

While the authorities in Morelos tangled with leaks and statements to the press the case of the bishop of the Diocese of Chilpancingo-Chilapa, Salvador Rangel, on Wednesday six people were murdered in the state, the same number as the previous day. With this last piece of information, Morelos accumulated 140 intentional homicides in Aprilthe most violent month in a year that in itself began with an upward trend in crimes while the political future of Cuauhtémoc Blancotoday governor on leave and, it seems, next senator for Brunette.


Waiting for the official figures, this Thursday in Morelos It was already looking complicated in terms of insecurity. In the morning, two women were murdered in the market Adolfo López Mateos of Cuernavaca, the main supply center of the metropolitan area. During the early morning hours, armed men burned a unit on Route 11 in the Lázaro Cárdenas neighborhood of Cuernavaca and another was shot in the Rubén Jaramillo neighborhood of Temixco. With this, the transporters threatened to suspend the service due to lack of guarantees.

But it seems that with these scenes of bodies lying in the streets or transport units on fire, the authorities of Morelos, like those of Guerrero and other entities in the country, neither sweat nor are distressed.


By the way, yesterday the Conference of the Mexican Episcopate (CEM) had to address the mess surrounding the case of Bishop Salvador Rangel. “As a Church, we trust the Institutions and that leads us to leave the corresponding investigation in the hands of the authorities.

For now we only respectfully ask that conjecture and speculation be avoided,” he published in response to the wave of versions surrounding the case.

As in other moments, this episode highlighted the differences between the state government and the Prosecutor’s Office. The interim governor of Morelos, Samuel Sotelo Salgado, told the press on Tuesday that there were no elements to indicate that the priest had been kidnapped, which contradicted the version shared by the entity’s prosecutor, Uriel Carmona.

Yesterday, the state commissioner of Security, José Ortiz Guarneros, revealed that the prelate remained in the hostel on Saturday the 27th and Sunday the 28th, until he was rescued by the Red Cross. Hours later the assistance institution issued a statement to distance itself from the transfer.


The Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (TEPJF) has 389 records of complaints about gender-based political violence and 343 people sanctioned, a fact revealed by Judge Felipe Alfredo Fuentes precisely during the installation of the Specialized Electoral Public Defender’s Office in the Attention to Issues of Gender-Based Political Violence. It is a unique defense office of its kind in Latin America, said Mónica Soto, presiding judge of the court.

It seems like a contradiction, but as parity increases, so does political violence against women.

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