In the shadow / Carlos Slim Helú – El Sol de México

Great expectations were generated yesterday by the engineer’s press conference Carlos Slim Helú, who practically summoned all the media in this country and international agencies to listen to what he had to say. He talked about politics, from being a candidate for the presidency of Mexico in 2018, to the bankruptcy of Telefonos de México and the candidates.

In the shadow…

Slim acknowledged having fundamental differences with the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, but he clarified that he agreed with him not to talk about it until he went to his ranch, that is, when his term ends. She ruled out being the favorite businessman of the six-year term. “I don’t see what benefits this government has given us. We only won section 2 of the Mayan Train.” He spoke about his business, economic crises and the Mexicanization of companies, when he took control of Telmex. There were almost four hours of conference.


The engineer even talked about Claudia Sheinbaum and Xochitl Galvez: “A surprise that for the first time a woman governs us, let’s hope she does it well, I think that both of them are very committed and it is seen that they are enthusiastic about getting to govern, which already implies a lot of commitment and desire to do “Things are good.”


“No one proposed to me to be president, nor Claudio X. González Laporteneither Alejandro Ramírez Magaña “They looked for me,” he said. Carlos Slim Helúin response to what the president of Mexico said last Tuesday in his morning, to promote his new book: “Well, they start among themselves to look for who they were confronting me with, and here’s the note: they invite Carlos Slim to be a candidate, with the proposal that they wanted him to decline meade and Anayaand Carlos Slim He tells them: ‘No, I am dedicated to other things,’ and they did not accept. Don’t miss the next book, huh?”


Someone tell Profepa, which leads Blanca Alicia Mendoza, that his intervention is urgent in the Parque Morelos Zoo in Tijuana, Baja California; Since several citizen reports have already been registered for visibly neglected animals, with skin wounds and obvious malnutrition. Furthermore, there are no personnel in the facilities responsible for the care of the species that live there, which is why veterinarians and related civil society organizations are calling for the immediate relocation of the hundreds of specimens.


Experts on the subject say that insecurity in Guerrero is overflowing, practically in all the municipalities of the state governed by the Morenista Evelyn Salgado Crimes such as kidnappings, extortion, rent collection and murders are recorded daily; This without the security strategy being reinforced as requested by businessmen, civil organizations, small producers and citizens in general.


Just this beginning of the week, relatives of a missing minor carried out blockades in Acapulco, Abelina Lopez, to request that the search be expedited; but in recent days there were events such as the kidnapping of the state leader of Movimiento Ciudadano, or the warning of merchants in Chilpancingo, of Norma Otilia Hernandezabout modifying work hours due to the growing crime in the area.


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