In the shadow / Francisco Cienfuegos – El Sol de México

That at a very bad time for the PRI it was revealed that in the Attorney General’s Office of the Republic, Alejandro Gertzthere is a complaint filed by the FIU against Francisco Cienfuegos and several companies allegedly linked to him; This is because transfers abroad were detected for more than 82 million pesos and the perception of “resources whose origin cannot be identified.” The known “Paco” Cienfuegos Martínez is seeking to reach the federal Congress through the multi-member route as a substitute for Manlio Fabio Beltrones, as representatives of the opposition alliance; He also currently serves as a delegate for the campaign Xochitl Galvez in the state of Nuevo León.

In the shadow…

During the recent presentation of the 2023 Report of the Anáhuac University, made by Father Cipriano Sanchezthere was a significant meeting between Romina Contrerasmayor of Huixquilucan, and Carlos Peralta, general director of Grupo IUSA. This event not only served to highlight academic achievements but also to lay the foundations for a possible and promising future collaboration between the municipal government and the business conglomerate.


Although no concrete commitments have yet been confirmed, the meeting has sparked speculation about the formation of strategic alliances that could benefit the energy sector and the Huixquilucan community alike. The messages shared by both leaders on social networks emphasized the importance of cooperation and sustainable development, while close sources suggest that this dialogue could be the prelude to a deeper and more committed relationship with the search for synergies in areas of shared interest.


The launch of Tent México marks a milestone in the labor integration of refugees and migrants in the country, a project that arises not only as a response to humanitarian need, but also as a strategic solution to the labor shortage faced by companies. Mexican. With the backing of corporate giants like Chedraui, led by Antonio Chedraui EguíaFEMSA, of José Antonio Fernández Carbajal; HSBC, headed in Mexico by Jorge Arturo Arce GamaMarriott International, and Walmart, this initiative is emerging as a vital bridge for those seeking a new life in Mexico, offering them formal employment opportunities.


This movement not only reflects a social commitment on the part of the corporations involved (today 46 in Mexico) but also responds to a clear demand from the Mexican consumer, who shows solid support for companies that open their doors to refugees. Tent México, therefore, is not only a commitment to inclusion and diversity, but also a business strategy that understands integration as a path to sustainability and economic growth, highlighting the crucial role that refugees and migrants can play in strengthening the Mexican economy and building communities.


Despite the bad reputation that insurance companies have in Mexico, the re-election of Juan Patricio Riveroll as president of the Mexican Association of Insurance Institutions (AMIS) for the period 2024-2025 is a clear reflection of the confidence and satisfaction of the National Board of Directors towards his previous management, characterized by important strategic alliances and an effective response to catastrophes, such as damage caused by Hurricane Otis.


This decision underlines the desire to continue along the path of progress and innovation in the Mexican insurance sector. Riverroll, with its experience and leadership, is committed to deepening the development of the industry, focusing on increasing the financial protection of Mexicans through insurance, promoting collaboration between the different actors in the sector. His vision of a more insured and resilient Mexico is based on financial education, inclusion, and rapid response to emergencies, thus consolidating the fundamental role of insurance in Mexican society. In one of those, he helps those in the industry understand too, that it is a headache to deal with the fine print of those contracts that we sign and that we never want to use.


They say that the former head of the UIF, Santiago Nieto Castillohas become one of the main advisors in the team of the Morenista presidential candidate, Claudia Sheinbaum, regarding the prevention of electoral crimes; this, due to the expertise acquired during his time as head of Fepade back in 2015. The man from Querétaro, who seeks to reach the Senate of the Republic in the next June elections, has specialized in topics such as the fight against illicit financing, anti-corruption and electoral legislation; knowledge that he already brings to the project of the fourth-transformist standard-bearer.

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