INE orders parties to nominate 59 indigenous, LGBT and disabled candidates to Congress – El Sol de México

The National Electoral Institute (INE) ordered political parties to nominate at least 50 candidates for federal deputies and nine for senators with indigenous people, Afro-Mexicans, people with disabilities, migrants and people of sexual diversity.

This was determined this Saturday by the General Council of the INE when approving the guidelines for the nomination of candidates under the principle of affirmative actions, ordered by the Electoral Court in a ruling that revoked the first agreement for the distribution of spaces in Congress for groups in vulnerable situation because it is considered regressive.

After overcoming the mess caused by complying with the Electoral Court’s ruling, the electoral referee determined to force political parties to nominate indigenous candidates under the principle of relative majority in the 25 electoral districts with more than 60 percent indigenous population.

In the case of multi-member deputations for indigenous people, the political institutes must nominate one person from this group in the first constituency, one in the second, four in the third, two in the fourth and one in the fifth.

In addition, the parties will be obliged to nominate four Afro-Mexican candidates, three under the principle of relative majority and one by proportional representation; eight candidates with disabilities, six by relative majority and two by proportional representation; three candidates of sexual diversity, two by relative majority and one by proportional representation; and a migrant candidate for proportional representation.

For the first time, affirmative actions will be applied to the composition of the Senate, and this was what blocked the approval of the guidelines because the political parties did not agree with the INE project.

After a long negotiation that required the debate to be postponed on three occasions, it was determined that of the nine candidates for vulnerable groups in the Upper House, four are for indigenous people, one for people of sexual diversity and one for people with disabilities. , in the case of relative majority.

In proportional representation, three candidates will correspond to indigenous people, one for migrants and one for people with disabilities.

Regarding the affirmative action of people of sexual diversity and people of African descent in a relative majority, these candidacies may be presented in two entities: one of high competitiveness and another of low competitiveness.

In the agreement that was revoked by the Electoral Court, candidacies for people in extreme poverty were included, however, in the new agreement they were eliminated and its proponent, the Uuc-kib Espadas council, described the decision as aporophobia – rejection of the poor. .

“The arguments to exclude poverty are absolutely inconsistent, internally, but above all, with Article 1 of the Constitution, where, of course, the number of groups numbered as susceptible to discrimination in Article 1, which most de facto is The most excluded is that of people in conditions of poverty,” he said.

Councilor Uuc-kib Espadas said that the decision of the Electoral Court is a mistake, however, he pointed out that a legislative omission is what has not allowed guaranteeing spaces for the five groups in vulnerable situations.

Meanwhile, counselor Dania Ravel indicated that “affirmative actions are essential to ensure the inclusion of historically discriminated groups and consolidate advances in equal opportunities and representation.”

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