Israeli attack kills NGO workers – El Sol de México

LOOP. Israel took responsibility for a bombing that killed seven humanitarian workers the day before that distributed food aid in the besieged Gaza Strip, leading much of the world to condemn the Israeli government.

The organization World Central Kitchen (WCK) by the Spanish-American chef José Andrés, for whom the victims of the bombingannounced the suspension of its actions in the Palestinian territory.

It may interest you: London summons Israeli ambassador over death of 3 British WCK volunteers in Gaza

The victims were from “Australia, Poland, the United Kingdom, one with dual nationality of the United States and Canada, and Palestine,” he explained. WCKone of the few NGO still present in Loop after almost six months of war between Israel and Hamas.

“Yesterday a tragic incident occurredour forces unintentionally beat innocent people in the Gaza Strip”, declared the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.

“Are things that happen in a war (…), we are in contact with the governments and we will do everything possible to ensure that it does not happen again,” he added.

The Israeli military expressed its “sincere regret” over the incident, which sparked widespread condemnation and increased pressure for measures to alleviate the disastrous humanitarian situation in Gaza.

The remains of the victims were taken to the hospital. Deir al Balah. The attack is believed to be the first to kill foreigners working for an international aid organization in Loop since the start of the war October 7.

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The WCK said they had traveled in two armored cars with the charity’s logo. and another vehicle. Britain summoned the ambassador of Israel in London to express his “unequivocal condemnation of the atrocious death” of the workers of the WCKyouthree of which were British.

Israel has long denied accusations that it is hindering the distribution of urgently needed food aid in Loopwhich has been under siege since October, saying the problem is caused by the inability to international aid groups.

Despite coordinating movements with the Israeli army, the convoy was hit as it left its warehouse in Deir al-Balahin the center of Loopafter downloading more than 100 tons of humanitarian food aid brought to Gaza by sea, WCK said.

“This It’s not just an attack against WCKit’s a attack against humanitarian organizations that appear in the most horrific situations where food is used as a weapon of war,” he said Erin Goreexecutive director of World Central Kitchen. “This is unforgivable.”

The White House said it is “outraged” and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Washington had spoken directly to the Israeli government.his close ally, and “urged that a prompt, thorough and impartial investigation be carried out to understand what happened.”

The attack led to the flotilla with humanitarian aid for Loop set course back to his base in Cyprus with a good part of the cargo undelivered.

Before the attack about 100 of the 400 tons had been landed that carried this second mission of the maritime corridor to help Loopwhich left last Saturday from Cyprusin which WCK and the NGO Open Arms collaborate.

World Central Kitchen carry since 2010 bringing food where there are humanitarian crises due to natural disasters or wars.

Was following the devastating earthquake in Haiti in 2010 when chef José Andrés headed to that country and started cooking alongside families displaced in a camp.

They worked in United States in 2017 when eHurricane Harvey hit Houston or Puerto Rico for him Hurricane Maria, and they helped during the coronavirus pandemic, for example, distributing 400 thousand rations of food among health workers in India.

More recently, WCK feeds Ukrainian families on the occasion of the Russian invasion through the Chefs for Ukraine programand in Gaza because of Israeli attacks.

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While, Iran warned Israel and the United States that it will respond to the attack that killed 13 people the day beforeincluding seven members of his Revolutionary Guard in Damascus, in an operation that threatens to stoke tensions in Middle East.

However, Official sources stated that the United States is not involved in the bombing.

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