Javier Milei talks with Elon Musk: “I thanked him for defending the ideas of freedom” – El Sol de México

He elected president of Argentina, Javier Milei, and the tycoon and businessman of South African origin Elon Musk This Wednesday they held a telephone conversation after the messages that both were exchanged in the social network

“Today I had a great conversation with @elonmusk, where I thanked him for defending the ideas of freedom and supporting our work, especially considering everything he represents as an icon of freedom in the world,” Milei said through his X profile.

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According to the president-elect, in the conversation Musk wished him “a lot of luck and success in the task, remembering that Argentina knew how to be one of the most prosperous and influential countries in the world”.

He added that Musk told him to be “aware of all the challenges” that both Argentina and Milei, who will assume the Argentine Presidency next Sunday, face.

“Although he will not be able to attend the transfer ceremony, we remain in contact so that he can visit Argentina next year and we can continue strengthening ties and working together,” Milei said.

This Tuesday, Musk had posted on his profile on the social network he owned previously called Twitter, a video of a television interview in which Milei appears criticizing the idea of ​​social justice and praising liberalism.

When reposting that message from Musk, Milei wrote: “Elon, we need to talk…”.

The good relationship between Milei and Musk is not new, since the founder and director of SpaceX and Tesla had expressed his support for the ultraliberal economist on November 19, after learning of the victory of the leader of La Libertad Avanza in the second round of the presidential elections in Argentina.

“Argentina is preparing for prosperity,” Musk had assured at that time.

Shortly afterthe future chancellor of the Milei Government, Diana Mondino, declared on social networks that the next Executive was working on the landing in Argentina of the Starlink internet satellite system -owned by Musk-, something that would happen in 2024, according to the company’s own plans.

The affinity between the two was seen for the first time during the electoral campaign, when one of Musk’s main journalists, the former star presenter from the American network Fox News, Tucker Carlson, interviewed Milei on her new talk show for X.

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Over the last few months, Carlson has interviewed to several political figures of the global extreme right such as former US President Donald Trump (2017-2021), Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, and the leader of the Spanish political party Vox, Santiago Abascal.

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