Jorge Álvarez Máynez says that the PAN has turned Guanajuato into hell – El Sol de México

La Paz, Baja California Sur.- The presidential candidate of Citizen movement (MC) Jorge Álvarez Máynezlamented the violence that faces the country where candidates and candidates from different political parties have been victims of what he called “narcopolitics”.

On his visit to La Paz, Baja California SurMáynez Álvarez, condemned the events that occurred in Guanajuato behind the murder of Gisela Gaytan, Morena candidate to the mayor’s office Celaya.

He said that he National Action Party (PAN) has converted to Guanajuato in hell.

“The PAN governments have turned Guanajuato into hell, and they have been very irresponsiblethe issue has deteriorated with a supposedly autonomous prosecutor who for many years has led to a involution. It is inexplicable, it is a place that years ago was quiet.”

He explained that the bond between politics and organized crime goes in climbing and the crimes that have been presented in this electoral process are not coincidence because politics has been filled with illegal financing.

He announced that tomorrow he will be visit in Guanajuato and although it is a place insecure, does not plan to strengthen its security and trust the protocols of the specialized team that accompanies him through the armed forces.

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Finally, he reiterated that in Citizen movement There are no bad practices, however, they are alerts of what may happen since the organized crime does not respect colors Well, they have their own interests.

Note published in The South Californian

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