Josefa and Esperanza De Velasco take the lead in the musical tradition in their family – El Sol de México

Josefa and Esperanza De Velasco They were born into a family close to music, in which a constant was listening to his grandfather Belisario de Jesús García. “We were always close to the world of musiclistening to him, because he was composer”says Esperanza.

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At seven years old, the Twins They began taking piano classes and other subjects, beginning a path that would later place them as two of the orchestra conductors most important in the country.

“When we had to decide what career to study, we started in Fermatta Music Academy and from there we began to open up to other genres, such as the orchestral, which was with the National Musical Promotion System and with private teachers from whom we learned direction orchestra and composition.

After some time training with teachers such as Humberto Hernández Medrano, Enrique Barrios, and Jorge Torres, among others, Josefa and Esperanza De Velasco began to feel “more artists and fewer students”, gaining experience to be able to lead a orchestra.

They musicalize the seventh art

After establishing himself in orchestral music, Josefa and Esperanza De Velasco They were inclined to work in the area of ​​cinema and sound production. audiovisual productions. During 2023, the sisters from Mexico City were working, among other projects, on the movie Invitation to murder directed by José Manuel Cravioto and produced and released in Netflix.

“It was very nice because we competed against other composers and by unanimous decision the music that Esperanza and I put together. We made some very characteristic sounds, where we added instruments that gave a special touch to the score,” Josefa explained about the work on the tape.

In addition to that project, Velasco’s sisters have worked on the series The most beautiful flower and Candy Cruzas well as in the documentary film They killed me three times, for which Esperanza defines her work as experimental. “We first did the music and then the dance was done that was included in the documentary to tell a story. “We have been lucky to be in interesting projects.”

In They killed me three timesa documentary about feminicide, artists They approach this topic that they have also tried to make visible. “We like to make projects that talk about the reality in which we live. Just like they can invite us to a fiction series, being part of projects on topics that need to be talked about,” explains Josefa.

They work on empowerment

For the two professionals of the musicinvitations to projects of this style have been present, for example with the Sorority Orchestra, whose main characteristic is to bring together only women.

“We formed it in 2020 together with the Secretary of Government of Mexico City because they wanted to close the Women’s Festival with a 80-woman orchestra. We found a lot of talent, it was a new experience to be only with musicians on the podium, it was a different vibe, very nice,” adds Josefa.

“Having 80 women In front of it it gives you a message of empowerment, we always support the women’s movement, within society we can be there, we cannot turn away. We hope that through music we can express ourselves in a way that is something constructive,” said Esperanza.

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Currently, the directors They perceive that the presence of women in their area is greater. “Since we started studying there were few women, I think there have been more and more,” explains Josefa, who assures that now that she is a teacher, she perceives an increase in female students.

“It is seen that more women They are dedicating themselves to this, I feel that it is improving a lot and I am happy to see students at the university who are training. There have always been women but they have not had recognition, and now with the awareness that is being generated there are more involved,” she concluded.

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